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Laser Therapy for Fungal Toenails: How It Works and What to Expect

Laser Therapy for Fungal Toenails: How It Works and What to Expect

Fungal toenail infections are one of the most common problems we deal with at Bay Breeze Foot & Ankle Specialists — and it's no wonder, considering around 14% of the population winds up with a fungal toenail (or two or three). 

A fungal toenail is thick, discolored, crumbly, ragged, smelly, and downright embarrassing.  Worse, a mild untreated infection can grow, spread, and cause you to lose your toenail completely. 

That's why treating toenail fungus as quickly as possible is so important. Fortunately, Dr. Maurice Aiken and our team have the experience and advanced treatments to prevent your fungal toenail from becoming a lifelong nightmare. 

A closer look at laser treatment for toenail fungus

Toenail fungus is incredibly difficult to manage once it’s taken root. Some are fortunate and respond well to over-the-counter creams or prescription topicals, but others require a more aggressive treatment. 

Laser treatments for toenail fungus are hardly a new invention (they were first developed in the 1980s), but treatments and technology have become significantly more advanced. 

We offer one of the industry’s leading laser therapy systems: HyperBlue® laser therapy. 

HyperBlue laser therapy involves directing light energy into infected nails. The light energy seeks out, absorbs, and destroys the fungus, eliminating the infection and restoring the health of your toenails. 

Most of our patients — especially those with advanced infections — require treatments to achieve the best results. 

What to expect from laser treatments for toenail fungus

One of the questions we often get about our laser treatments is if it will hurt. We're happy to report that HyperBlue treatments are minimally invasive and painless. 

You don’t typically have to do anything to prepare, but we may ask you to apply a topical solution to help manage the infection in the days leading up to your treatment. 

When you arrive, you recline comfortably in a chair with your shoes and socks removed. One of our team members shines a light on your nails while Dr. Aiken uses the HyperBlue device to begin treatment. 

You might feel a warming sensation as the light energy passes through your nails and destroys the fungus. Your treatment should take around 30 minutes. 

Once your appointment is over, you can return to your usual activities immediately. You won’t notice results immediately, but your nail's health will steadily improve over the next two months and after subsequent treatments. 

Depending on your needs, we may prescribe an antifungal or antibacterial cream to facilitate the effects of the laser therapy.

Life after laser therapy

Once your toenails are healthy again, it’s time to think about preventing another infection. Follow these simple strategies to keep your toenails fungus-free:

It’s also important that you check your feet and toes regularly. Toenail fungus and other problems tend to develop under the radar. 

If you’ve noticed a change in your toenails and suspect a fungal infection, don’t wait another moment. Call or click to schedule an appointment with Dr. Aiken at our Dunedin, Florida, office today.

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