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PRP: Is It Right for Me?

PRP: Is It Right for Me?

Elite athletes from Tiger Woods to Alex Rodriguez have turned to platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections for faster, better healing. But you should know that these treatments aren’t just for star athletes. 

We have found tremendous success addressing a wide range of foot and ankle problems with this simple, minimally invasive treatment. Here, Dr. Maurice Aiken, our specialist at Bay Breeze Foot & Ankle Specialists, takes a closer look at PRP and who makes a good candidate.

How PRP works

PRP is a type of regenerative medicine that harnesses the power of your blood. Your blood is actually made of a few different components. Among them is plasma, a yellowish liquid that removes cellular waste and carries nutrients, hormones, and proteins all over your body. 

Within the plasma are microscopic healers called platelets, which are proteins that help your blood clot when you’re injured. 

We create PRP by taking a sample of your blood and placing it in a machine called a centrifuge. The centrifuge spins your sample at a high speed and quickly separates plasma and platelets from the rest of your blood. 

The result is a super-concentrated solution of growth and healing factors that we inject directly into the damaged areas of your body. Once injected, the PRP quickly gets to work promoting new cell growth, reducing inflammation, and repairing damage.

When do we recommend PRP?

We conduct a thorough review of your health history and symptoms to make sure that PRP is right for you. Here are some of the most common reasons we might recommend it.

PRP for arthritis

Arthritis isn’t just a problem for hips and knees. This chronic condition can impact virtually every joint in your body, even the smaller ones in your feet and ankles. When arthritis sets in, the result is painful, swollen joints that make it hard to get from point A to B. That’s why we often use PRP injections to help your joints recover from the effects of arthritis.

PRP for recovery after surgery

Sometimes, foot surgery is the only option for severe foot and ankle conditions. You may think that there’s no way around a long, painful post-op recovery, but with PRP, you can heal faster and engage more fully in rehabilitative therapies.

PRP for a foot or ankle injury

Foot and ankle injuries are among the most common injuries — and athletes aren’t the only ones who are at risk. The simplest slip and fall can land you with a sprained ankle. Sometimes, even being overweight is enough to cause painful conditions like plantar fasciitis. Fortunately, PRP is an effective treatment for many of the problems that plague your feet and ankles.

PRP as an alternative solution

Whatever podiatric problem you’re dealing with, we understand that you have other health and wellness goals to consider. Traditional approaches to pain, such as medication and invasive treatments, often force you to compromise other areas of your health. 

But not PRP. This minimally invasive treatment allows you to find natural relief. 

Want to know for sure if you’re a candidate for PRP? Don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with Dr. Aiken at our Dunedin, Florida, office. Call us at 727-285-9686 to ask us about the other types of regenerative medicine to see which is best for you. 

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