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Shoe-Buying Hacks to Support Your Feet


From arthritis to Achilles tendon pain, there are many things that can go wrong with your feet and ankles. But what most people don’t realize is that many of those problems can be avoided, or at least alleviated, simply by wearing the right type of shoe. 

Dr. Maurice Aiken, our expert podiatrist at Bay Breeze Foot & Ankle Specialist, shares his best shoe-buying hacks to help you support your feet. 

Find the best features

These days, many shoes come with all the bells and whistles. It’s important, however, to know which features are the ones you need to keep your feet happy. Some things you should look for in a shoe include:

Not all shoes are made the same way, so if you have questions about a particular pair of shoes, we can help you decide if they can deliver on their promise to support your feet.

Fit the shape of your feet

All too often, we force our feet to conform to the shape of the shoes we like best, when we really should be doing the opposite. Keeping the shape of your foot in mind is crucial when buying shoes. 

For example, shoes that are too narrow can cause painful blisters. Also, if there’s not enough room in the toe box, your toes are likely to develop bunions and hammertoes. 

It’s also important to consider the shape of your arches. You have two types of arches in your feet — side-to-side and lengthwise. These are composed of a complex network of bones, muscle, ligaments, and tendons. Your arches are springy and flexible and help you distribute weight and adapt to various surfaces as you walk. 

Arches can be neutral, high, or low; and each requires its own type of support. Talk to us about your arches, and we can guide you toward the best shoe.

Make sure the shoes fit properly

Proper fit is paramount to shoe buying, and it’s often neglected. When you’re in the store browsing and trying on shoes, follow these tips:

It’s also a good idea to have your feet measured every time you buy a pair of shoes, as your feet may have changed over the years. 

Remember to replace your shoes

You may love the look and feel of your shoes, but you can’t hang on to them forever. In fact, going around in worn-out shoes leaves your feet and ankles vulnerable to injury and damage. 

You know it’s time to replace your shoes when the outsole is worn and you’ve reached 300-400 miles of running or walking. Remember that even if your shoes still look good, once they’ve reached the maximum mileage, they no longer offer adequate support. 

Don’t take another step in less-than-supportive shoes. Call 727-285-9686 or request an appointment at our Dunedin, Florida, office.

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