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Will Fungal Toenails Heal on Their Own?

Will Fungal Toenails Heal on Their Own?

Your toenails have turned yellow and started to crumble — you've contracted toenail fungus. Before you shrug your shoulders and throw on a pair of shoes to cover it up, consider that toenail fungus doesn't go away. 

Worse, if you leave your toenails to fend for themselves, the results could be devastating. Untreated fungal toenails can become painful or permanently damaged. Some see their nails pull away from the nail bed entirely. In the most severe cases, the infection can spread to other areas of your body. 

That's where Dr. Maurice Aiken and our team at Bay Breeze Foot & Ankle Specialists come in. 

Toenail fungus must be treated, but the good news is that you have options, and treatment is incredibly effective, especially if you catch it early. This blog discusses the diagnosis and treatment process to help you better understand what fungal toenails need to heal. 

Diagnosing fungal toenails

Spotting a fungal toenail is easy to do. Even in the earliest stages, the fungus causes your nails to thicken, turn color, change shape, and become brittle. Fungal nails occur when a fungus called onychomycosis infiltrates your toenails, but they can also stem from an underlying health issue, such as psoriasis or a bacterial infection. 

There are also a few risk factors that put you at an increased risk of developing fungal nails, including:

Dr. Aiken considers all factors of your health history before diagnosing toenail fungus. He may also clip a nail sample for further testing to understand what's behind your symptoms fully. 

When fungal nails become a serious concern

Fortunately, most cases of fungal nails aren't a serious threat to your health, but that's not always the case. Seek immediate medical attention if you have the following:

If you have diabetes, you should also make sure you get help for fungal nails as soon as possible. The impact diabetes has on your circulatory system can worsen toenail fungus and increase your risk for complications, so take even the most minor foot problems seriously. 

Treating fungal toenails

Treatment for fungal toenails is not one-size-fits-all. We make our recommendation based on your specific situation and the severity of your symptoms. For most, topical treatments like prescription-strength nail creams that contain antifungal and antibacterial properties are enough to tame toenail fungus. 

For others, more advanced treatment is necessary. 

We're proud to offer HyperBlue® laser therapy, a revolutionary treatment that uses targeted light energy to destroy the fungus in your nails. A few treatments are all it takes to eliminate the infection and restore your nail. 

Preventing fungal toenails

Once you've dealt with your fungal nails, it's normal never to want to deal with them again. Fortunately, it's easy to keep your toenails healthy and fungus-free. You can prevent nail fungus by adhering to the following habits:

Are you looking for more information about toenail fungus? Suspect you have fungal nails and need to get started with treatment? We'd love to talk with you. Call or click to schedule an appointment online or over the phone at our Dunedin, Florida, office today. 

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