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5 Ways to Reduce Ankle Arthritis Pain Oct 17th, 2024

When every step sends shocking pain through your ankle and leg, it’s time to get serious about arthritis relief. At Bay Breeze Foot & Ankle Specialists in Dunedin, Florida, Dr. Maurice Aiken and our expert podiatric team specialize in resolving ankle pain, whether it stems from an injury or the...

How to Ease Your Recurrent Achilles Tendon Pain Sep 16th, 2024

You don’t have to be an athlete or fitness enthusiast to know the frustration of recurrent Achilles tendon pain; it can afflict anyone. If this nagging heel condition has relegated you to the sidelines of life, you need these pro tips for easing the pain and healing the tendon. Our...

7 Conditions That Can Benefit From Custom Orthotics Aug 7th, 2024

When your feet hurt, your whole day grinds to a halt. You may need to realize that the answer may be as simple as giving your feet extra support.  Modern shoe design, poor foot mechanics, and even excess weight contribute to foot problems, and one of the best ways to...

Say Good-Bye to Heel Pain: 5 Non-Surgical Treatment Solutions for Plantar Fasciitis Jul 23rd, 2024

Plantar fasciitis isn’t a small matter. This painful condition affects millions and accounts for 15% of all foot symptoms that require professional medical care.  Instead of limping through your routine and waiting for the day your heel pain goes away (a day that likely won’t come on its own), see...

Laser Therapy for Fungal Toenails: How It Works and What to Expect Jun 25th, 2024

Fungal toenail infections are one of the most common problems we deal with at Bay Breeze Foot & Ankle Specialists — and it's no wonder, considering around 14% of the population winds up with a fungal toenail (or two or three).  A fungal toenail is thick, discolored, crumbly, ragged, smelly,...

Ankle Arthritis: How Our Comprehensive Approach Eases Pain and Stiffness for Improved Mobility  May 9th, 2024

Your foot has over 30 joints, so foot and ankle arthritis is usually a matter of when not if. The good news is you're never left to your own devices.  This Arthritis Awareness Month, we want everyone to know their treatment options.  Dr. Maurice Aiken and our Bay Breeze Foot...

Preventing Chronic Instability After an Ankle Sprain Apr 2nd, 2024

It doesn't matter if you're an athlete or a mom-on-the-go; no one wants to deal with a bum ankle. But that's what's in store if you don't manage a sprain properly.  Here, foot and ankle specialist Dr. Maurice Aiken and our Bay Breeze Foot & Ankle Specialists team walk you...

Why Does My Heel Hurt When I Get Out of Bed in the Morning? Mar 2nd, 2024

Do you experience sharp pain shooting up from your heel in the morning? You may have plantar fasciitis.  Plantar fasciitis is a common foot condition that affects around one in 10 people. It occurs when a thick band of tissue that connects your heel to your toes, called the plantar...

Achilles Tendon Repair Surgery: What to Expect Feb 1st, 2024

Surgery is a last resort at Bay Breeze Foot & Ankle Specialists. We recommend surgical repair only in the most severe cases, and we always exhaust our nonsurgical options.  But sometimes, the wise choice is to surgically repair your damaged Achilles tendon.  When that’s the case, you should know that...

Ready to Up Your Mileage? Here’s How to Avoid Common Runner’s Injuries Jan 16th, 2024

Every runner knows there’s no off-season — every expert runner knows that training has its seasons. There are times to push yourself, times to rest, and times in between.  At Bay Breeze Foot & Ankle Specialists, we know runners well and their injuries even better. We know how pounding the pavement...

How Does PRP Play a Role in Healing? Dec 8th, 2023

You've come to the right place, whether an elite athlete looking to get back to training as soon as possible or simply desperate for relief from a nagging injury.  We at Bay Breeze Foot & Ankle Specialists know how frustrating waiting for your body to heal independently can be. And...

What's the Link Between a High-Protein Diet and Gout? Nov 2nd, 2023

When you think of arthritis, you likely picture gnarled knuckles and creaky knees worn down by use and old age. However, not all types of arthritis are the same. Gout is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis in the US, affecting over 9 million people. Rather than autoimmune conditions...

My Toenail Fungus Is Embarrassing: Can You Help? Oct 2nd, 2023

People don’t like their feet for all sorts of reasons. Either their toes are too long, too short, too crooked, or their hair grows in dark tufts. Many foot problems are simply luck of the genetic draw, but when it comes to fungal nails, you’re not stuck with a hereditary...

How ESWT Can Treat Your Chronic Plantar Fasciitis Sep 1st, 2023

There's no getting around it: Foot pain makes it tough. But where do you turn? Stretching seems fruitless, you can't afford to take a break from your routine, and Your standby over-the-counter methods only mask your symptoms.  Why not turn to the experts? Dr. Maurice Aiken and our Bay Breeze...

5 Reasons to Consider Custom Orthotics Aug 2nd, 2023

Whether you've got a severe foot problem like arthritis or can't stand being on your feet for too long, you should consider custom orthotics.  No, we don't mean the floppy gel inserts you pick up on your next trip to the grocery store. We mean orthotics designed for your feet...

When to Seek Medical Treatment for Ankle Pain Jul 5th, 2023

From sprains and strains to stress fractures and arthritis, ankle problems can come in many forms. And the result is excruciating pain that makes even getting out of bed a surmountable task. We understand if you're tempted to take the wait-and-see approach when your ankle is bothering you, but ignoring...

How Arthritis Can Change Your Gait Jun 2nd, 2023

When someone talks about arthritis, the conversation usually revolves around pain, stiffness, and swelling. But those aren't the only complications of arthritis.  One of the lesser-known symptoms of this common joint problem is its negative impact on the way you walk, also known as your gait. The longer you walk...

3 Early Signs of Fungal Toenails May 3rd, 2023

Flip-flops are part of the dress code year-round when you live in Florida. But when you have fungal toenails, your feet could be forced into hiding — unless you know what to look for.  Toenail fungus is not a silent infection, and once it takes hold, it develops quickly and...

4 Ways to Care for Your Feet When You Have Diabetes Apr 7th, 2023

Diabetes can significantly impact your health, but your feet are one area you may not realize requires a little extra care. Over time, high blood sugar levels damage the nerves in your feet, leading to diabetic neuropathy, which can quickly become severe and cause numbness, tingling, or even loss of...

How to Tell If It's Time to Consider Bunion Surgery Mar 12th, 2023

You don't necessarily want surgery, but nothing seems to be working, and the bunion pain in your foot is only getting worse.  Is it time for surgery?  The answer to that question isn't black and white, and it differs from person to person. Dr. Maurice Aiken, our podiatry expert at Bay Breeze...

Will Fungal Toenails Heal on Their Own? Feb 13th, 2023

Your toenails have turned yellow and started to crumble — you've contracted toenail fungus. Before you shrug your shoulders and throw on a pair of shoes to cover it up, consider that toenail fungus doesn't go away.  Worse, if you leave your toenails to fend for themselves, the results could...

5 Benefits of Custom-Made Orthotics Jan 18th, 2023

Even if you were born with perfect feet, that doesn’t mean life won’t have its way with them. Foot abnormalities, degenerative conditions, and injuries eventually come for us all and can wind up hurting your feet.  That’s where custom orthotics come in.  Although custom orthotics have eliminated foot problems for...

Is Fungal Nail Contagious? Dec 7th, 2022

Foot fungus is one of the most contagious conditions; you can pick it up anywhere and pass it on to others without knowing it. Fungus on one foot can quickly spread to your other foot if you don’t take precautions. Once it invades your toenails, it becomes more stubborn and...

Can Plantar Fasciitis Heal On Its Own? Nov 3rd, 2022

If you have heel pain when you first wake up in the morning, you may have a condition called plantar fasciitis. This condition means that the plantar fascia–the band of tissue that runs between your heels and the balls of your feet–is inflamed and often stretched beyond comfort. This condition is more...

Why Fluid Flow™ Injections May Be Just What You Need Oct 4th, 2022

Your feet may not be the biggest parts of your anatomy, but they’re one of the most complicated. In one foot alone, you have 26 bones, 33 joints, and dozens of ligaments — not to mention the network of nerves and blood vessels. You think with such a complex operation, we’d...

Do Creaky Joints Mean It's Arthritis? Sep 2nd, 2022

Nearly a quarter of all adults have arthritis, making it one of the most common pain conditions and one of the leading causes of work disability. Often the first warning sign is loud, creaky joints — but that’s not the only reason your joints are making noise.  Here, Dr. Maurice...

3 Benefits of Cold Laser Therapy for Plantar Fasciitis Aug 9th, 2022

Your feet are equipped with all the tools you need to bear weight and move easily. One of the most important structures is the plantar fascia, a tough band of connective tissue that connects your heel bone to the base of your toes. It also provides support for the arches...

How Orthotics Can Relieve Your Foot Pain Jul 1st, 2022

Your feet are the gateway to your musculoskeletal health. So much of your ability to bear weight and move effectively relies on healthy, stable feet. With all that responsibility, it’s easy to understand how your feet may need extra support. Dr. Maurice Aiken at Bay Breeze Foot & Ankle Specialists knows how crucial...

6 Risk Factors for Fungal Nail Jun 1st, 2022

It’s not easy to talk about embarrassing foot problems, but we know that sometimes uncomfortable conversations are the most crucial. Discussing this particular foot problem becomes even more critical when you consider that nearly 20% of the general population and 75% of people over 60 years old have fungal nails.  Here, Dr. Maurice...

PRP: Is It Right for Me? May 4th, 2022

Elite athletes from Tiger Woods to Alex Rodriguez have turned to platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections for faster, better healing. But you should know that these treatments aren’t just for star athletes.  We have found tremendous success addressing a wide range of foot and ankle problems with this simple, minimally invasive...

On Your Feet All Day? Here's How You Can Give Your Feet a Break Apr 6th, 2022

Your feet provide a solid foundation for the rest of your body, and under normal circumstances, they do a stellar job. But after a while, they reach a breaking point.  We mean that literally, because overuse can easily lead to stress fractures or things like sprains, achilles pain, or plantar...

Tips for Avoiding a Sprained Ankle Mar 6th, 2022

It doesn’t matter if you’re an athlete, an office worker, or a stay-at-home parent — no one is immune from ankle sprains. And because they can strike at any time, it’s important that you know how to keep your ankles safe.  Dr. Maurice Aiken, our board-certified podiatrist at Bay Breeze...

What Athletes Should Know About Foot Care Feb 28th, 2022

If you’re an athlete, you might think the keys to success are eating, sleeping, and training the best you can. But if you fail to take care of your whole body, including your feet, you may never reach peak performance.  Here, Dr. Maurice Aiken, our podiatric expert at Bay Breeze...

Shoe-Buying Hacks to Support Your Feet Jan 1st, 2022

From arthritis to Achilles tendon pain, there are many things that can go wrong with your feet and ankles. But what most people don’t realize is that many of those problems can be avoided, or at least alleviated, simply by wearing the right type of shoe.  Dr. Maurice Aiken, our...

5 Ways to Manage Toe Arthritis Dec 9th, 2021

Arthritis impacts about a quarter of all adults — that’s over 58 million people. And though there are over 100 different types of arthritis, they all result in painful, swollen, damaged joints.  What’s worse is that this disease can attack virtually any joint in your body, including your toes, which...

Does Toenail Fungus Ever Go Away on Its Own? Nov 15th, 2021

Toenail fungus is an embarrassing, frustrating, and, unfortunately, common problem. Nearly 1 in 10 people end up with fungal nails, and most of them want to know if it will clear up on its own. The short answer is no, but we want to explain why.  Our team of experts...

What to Do About Achilles Tendon Pain Oct 10th, 2021

If you reach behind your ankle, you can feel a tough band of tissue — that’s your Achilles tendon. It connects your calf muscle to your heel, and you use it when you walk, run, and jump.   Your Achilles tendon is the longest tendon in your body and one of...

Common Causes of Heel Pain Sep 13th, 2021

Heel pain can strike seemingly out of nowhere, and when it does, it’s normal to want answers. Because your feet have the responsibility of bearing your weight and keeping your body balanced as you move, your ankles and feet are susceptible to a range of injuries and chronic problems.  Podiatry...

What are Heel Spurs? Sep 14th, 2020

The heel is the largest bone within the foot and is connected to a network of tendons, muscles, and ligaments making it prone to pain. One common heel ailment is a heel spur. Heel spurs are small bone-like protrusions that can severely limit a person’s mobility, making even walking around...